
Corporate Responsibility

Derwent Manor Hotel is actively investing in our Corporate Social Responsibility. It is the policy of the hotel to carry out all measures reasonably practicable to seek to meet, exceed or develop all necessary requirements to improve environmental performance.

As part of our environmental activities a number of initiatives have already been implemented. The hotel is in the process of undertaking a number of wide ranging CSR initiatives including:

  • Waste glass now uplifted for re-cycling
  • Waste cardboard/paper uplifted for re-cycling
  • Air conditioning where applicable, set to optimum temperatures, with guest signage in place
  • All bedroom heating to be independently, thermostatically controlled and set to optimum temperatures, with guest signage in place.
  • Bedroom TVs switched off (not standby) together with guest notification
  • Bed linen and towel usage policy in place to reduce linen consumption
  • All light bulbs replaced to energy saving or minimum acceptable wattage bulbs
  • Energy consumption tracked monthly by cost per room for electricity, gas, water
  • Boilers replaced to be more energy efficient
  • ‘Fair-trade’ beverages in use in Restaurant and Conference areas
  • Waste items donated to schools and charities
  • Staff accommodation has showers only
  • Installation of a beer line cleaner saver solution, reducing use of water, beer wastage and chemicals
  • Infra red sensors (for lighting) installation in back of house areas
  • All marketing materials produced using recycled paper / materials
  • All marketing materials to be offered in electronic, downloadable format
  • Flow rate restriction on domestic water
  • Thermostatic blending valves fitted on all water outlets in public areas (Reduces total amount of water used and reduces heat – zero scald level)

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